Sunday, October 28, 2007

YEAH I can blog...

So, I am getting REALLY excited about my extended vacation to Australia!!! I leave in less then 2 weeks and I will be gone for just under a month. Blake is already there and said it is amazing!!! I fly into Sydney and am there for 2 days then I am taking the train across the I can see it all of course, to fremantel. Where I will be reunited with my hubby!!! We will be in Fremantel for a week, then to Perth for a week, and then we fly back across to Sydney where we will be for the remaining week of our trip and then back home.... I am so excited!!! This is our year for traveling, I feel like we have been EVERYWHERE and only with more stops along the way. I will be sure to post pictures just as soon as I can!!! Wish me luck 22 hours of travel is not my idea of fun, but the end result is SO worth it!!!