Saturday, March 22, 2008

when bad garages happen to good people.

SO, Blake has been redoing our master bath.... for three long months!!! He said it would be done in a few weeks and not to worry. Three months later we are still using the guest bath and I have no idea when it will be done.

This brings me to the garage... Our clean,. organized (anally so....come one its me you know how I am) is now a HUGE mess!!! tile pieces, paint dust, crap everywhere.... I will include pictures when I get back from New York...... hopefully it will look better then it does now!! ARGH!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Finally I have a minute to blog... I promise to get better.

So, Its been awhile since I blogged...oops. I blame work and all the traveling I have been doing. Anyway, here are a few pics from the Australia trip. I was there for a month and loved everything but the grosssssssss food!!!

Above: after a water craft adventure on the bay, you can't tell but we are soaked!!
Below:Koala... my favorite, this guy was LOUD and feisty. It was awesome. Usually they sleep 20+hours a day. So, to see this guy jumping in the trees and eating and making noise was a real treat. Also, below is the background you can see the famous Sydney Opera house!!!

Blake graduating from the Australian Navy officers submarine course!! VERY COOL!!! He was one of two Americans selected to partake. He really is a rock star!! and yes, I am bias :) !!!!

This was after me being on the train for a week going from coast to cast of Australia (sydney to Perth) with NO SHOWER!!! reunited and I smell like poo!!! who cared...we hadn't seen each other in over a month! (He was training with the Australian Navy)

The kangaroos were AMAZING!! we went to five different zoos/animal sanctuaries.
(note the Joey in her pouch!) You could pet and feed the kangaroos and the koalas... the koala became an obsession of mine!!
Note: the kangaroo testicles pictured above are used to make coin pouches...don't believe me? look on e-bay!!

I promise to get better at this. I love reading everyone else's bogs and hope you will come to enjoy mine too!!!!