Friday, April 25, 2008

Ripley+Klutz= staples

For those of you who haven't met Ripley... Here he is. Typically he is happy, excited, well behaved and loves to play. He has been a part of our family since before we were a family.
Blake proposed with the ring tied around an eight week old Ripley's neck. It was perfect!!

As I mentioned Ripley loves to play. He is a daddy's pup and loves to wrestle with Blake ALOT!
So, last night while watching Ugly Betty the two of them were playing in our room and Ripley got a little too excited and without looking ran straight (HARD) into the door frame in our room. He shook it off and we thought nothing of if until we saw blood on the carpet. Upon further inspection we see that Rippers has busted his face wide open. I was so sad and immediately brought him to the veterinary ER. He was such a trooper and only barked when they put him in the kennel for a few minutes. He was sedated and a flap of skin was removed and FIVE staples are now in my little babies face. I was so sad I stayed up all night checking on him. Which was rather pointless since he was so sedated he was all but unconscious.
Below: After having to carry Ripley up the stairs and place him in his bed.... he didn't even move.
I hope he was comfortable. :(

Close up of poor Ripley's staples.... He is so tough but sometimes he needs extra love.
AWWW I know I am bias but he is just so dang cute!! I love my Ripley Believe!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

worst week ever

So, long time no blog. I got back from New York early....not by choice....and had emergency surgery to an area I would rather not discuss (lets just say a female issue) It sucked.
Strike ONE.
So, I am recovering from home for a week and I go back to work finally after getting the clear from the Doctor..... only to be told, our company has been restructured and I no longer have a job. Well, they felt bad so they offered me a crappy admin job which was rather insulting considering I used to be their Marketing Programs Manager. I said "no thanks" and took my severance like a champ.
Strike TWO.
So, as I am at home wallowing in what a bad week I am having and thinking to myself.... this could not be any worse... WRONG, then my Grandpa died. AND since I had just had surgery I was told it was not a good idea for me to fly.. thus I missed the funeral.
Strike THREE and I am outta there.

But, I am really just blogging to vent and I am actually quite happy with how things turned out.
1. My job was crappy... not great people to work with, not creative enough for me and kinda boring and not my idea of an ideal job.
2. My grandpa was 91 and hada great life which toward the end was riddled with Alzheimer's. So, it was better that he go with dignity then to go later when he would have been with less.
3. surgery sucks.. but my pain tolerance is insane so I'm good!!!

thanks for reading... Sorry to vent.... I have very few friends here in WA.....