I have been busy and I am almost done with my Christmas shopping ( I love the internet) I have had, yet again, some more random health issues and thus I have been a little depressed lately. I am trying to put on a happy face and rejoice in what has become my blubber belly. I never thought I could be so... so.. so... fluffy... no, that's not right... so.... bountiful. I'll go with bountiful. No matter how hard I work on it, or don't I never seem to morph back into my former self. It really is beginning to suck.
BUT, that is not why I have chosen to blog. Why I have chosen to blog is to remind all of my fantastic readers... I hope I didn't loose you all. That no matter how much we have or do not have their is always room to be the better person. To reach out and help for no reason at all. To be the person you want to see in those around you.
I was recently getting coffee before work, running late, feeling like I looked frantic and yucky... and it being Washington of course it was raining and windy... I dropped my purse in the parking lot and everything went everywhere. I had decided that I was having the worst day ever. and it had barely started.
I look up and realize an elderly man who I know from my job was dashing around (well as fast as he could) the parking lot gathering my MONEY and other purse contents. He walked up to me, having retrieved all of the belongings and said: "It sure is windy, but I think I got it all."
so sweet!
I thanked him and we both walked into the starbucks. I offered to buy his coffee and he respectfully declined. Instead he GOT MINE!!! He said "we all have what look like bad days and you have made my day so many times, I thought I should return the favor" he winked, got his coffee and was off.
I immediately decided to change my attitude and went on to have a pretty damn good day... and a good story to boot!
I know my previous statements seem really sappy and "hallmark" but they come from the heart. I may have what I think are bad days, but in the end someone out there is having a REAL bad day. I love my life and with the good comes the bad and so I have chosen to look past my chubby belly and enjoy all the great people I know and those who I hope to meet. LOVE YOU ALL!!!
PS. Valerie this is for you! If God didn't think we could handle it, then it wouldn't be happening. You are strong and you need to know that!!

What an amazing story. I thing bad days are the worst but in retrospect they really aren't that bad. Oh, and you look great! We've all been there and as women we are never truely satisfied with our lookes. So know that you look beautiful and I think your hubby would say the same, and even add some other adjectives too.
I think you are one hot babe!! You are and always have been BEAUTIFUL (inside AND out)!! I love you to pieces and really needed to read that story today. THANK YOU!!! XOXOXOXOXO
Finally! I am so glad you're back!
I am dying to know how your progress is coming along? Mine is awful...meaning nothing has happened!
Listen here, lady...You are GORGEOUS and have a wonderful personality to go along with it. Plus you're the only person I can call (you know what) and know that it's quite the opposite of the truth! :-) I've been missing your bloggery and I'm glad to see you're back!! It's tough to keep up on but so nice when it happens!
I've been trying to do the same with the attitude...sometimes it's tough when things start out on the wrong foot (the day, the week, the month...whatever it may be!) but I always try to remember that there are some things I can control, and my reaction is one of them. If someone is nasty to me, I try to remember that there may be things going on in their life that I know nothing about which affects the way they treat me. It's SO HARD sometimes but in the end, killing with kindness does sometimes turn things around for both you and the other person! Again, Hallmark...and it certainly doesn't happen every time, but trying is better than nothing at all, right :-)??
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