Friday, May 30, 2008
The trouble with life is...
Now if you are waiting for fun pictures then stop reading now.
I am unsure of who actually reads this, I am guessing maybe 4 or 5 people, and those 4 or 5 of you THANKS!!! If you are someone who I do not speak with regularly I am going to fill you in on something I wouldn't normally like to discuss.
Blake and I have been trying to have a baby for a while now. I was officially off birth control in November of 2005...Now that sounds like a realllllyyy long time to be trying so, I would also like you to know: Aprox. 18 months of the afore mentioned time Blake was out to sea or Deployed for about 15 of them. AND we didn't apparently have good timing for the other 3 months.... So it has been a year and four months of really trying and at 12 months we saw a fertility specialist... which would have been great, BUT we have NOTHING wrong with us. NOTHING keeping us from having a baby... In fact all the specialist told us we are two of the most fertile people around!!! how can this be?!?!? NOT a good thing to hear...what am I (or we) doing wrong?!?!?!
yeah it's great we are able (apparently) but why hasn't is happened?!?! I had to go through some fairly painful/uncomfortable stuff to find out nothing is wrong! WHY???????? WHY NOT really???
The reason I am asking is.... if any of you lucky mommas or aunties or females with ideas etc... have any ideas or advice on how to accomplish the, oh so, exciting and (in our case) frustrating task of getting pregnant, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear them!! I am usually not one to whine but, my husband is going to be going back out to see in about a year and I would really like to make this work so he can be there for the birth. I know it may seem stupid to some, but I think that moment must be magical and I really would like him there to share in what we have made...
ANY advice would be oh so very much appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
but you get the idea.... really boring!

The Klinedinst Master bath is now complete!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Tag me up butter cup!
I've been tagged...
Christina said all Sara's so here we go...
Four jobs I've had:
1) Sam Goody (all though high school)
2) Bank teller (all through college at Purdue)
3) regional Account Manager (for AIM) auditing hospitals in CT
4) Marketing Programs Manager (recently laid off from... lame job)
Four movies I've watched more than once:
1) The Holiday
2) Legally Blonde (DON'T JUDGE)
3) Crash
4) Goonies
Four places I've lived:
1) Corvallis,OR
2) Quaker Hill, CT
3) Charleston, SC
4) West Lafayette, IN
Four TV shows I watch:
1) Greys Anantomy
2) Gossip Girl
3) Moving up on TLC (EVERY Saturday night)
4) Top Design on Bravo... I should be on that damn show!!
Four places I've been:
1) Australia!!
2) Guam
3) Japan
4) London for Christmas!!(does that count?'s booked)
Four people who email me regularly (doesn’t include blogging comments):
1) My parents of course!!
2) My cousin Adam
3) Valerie in CT
4) Spam
Four of my favorite foods:
1) ANY thing Thai
2) Poulsbo Deli roast beef sub... so good..
3) pink lady apples
4) broccoli
Four places I would like to visit:
1) Ireland
2) Spain
3) Thailand
4) the maternity ward if I could ever get preggers
Four things I'm looking forward to in the coming year:
1) moving maybe....
2) hoping to have (or be in the process of having) a kiddo
3) paying off all our debt (except the house of course)
4) Being with my hubby!
Four friends I'm tagging:
1) Sarah
2) Tasha
3) Shalyse
4) Hillary