Friday, May 30, 2008

The trouble with life is...

So, I have taken to writing in my blog to help release some stress.

Now if you are waiting for fun pictures then stop reading now.

I am unsure of who actually reads this, I am guessing maybe 4 or 5 people, and those 4 or 5 of you THANKS!!! If you are someone who I do not speak with regularly I am going to fill you in on something I wouldn't normally like to discuss.

Blake and I have been trying to have a baby for a while now. I was officially off birth control in November of 2005...Now that sounds like a realllllyyy long time to be trying so, I would also like you to know: Aprox. 18 months of the afore mentioned time Blake was out to sea or Deployed for about 15 of them. AND we didn't apparently have good timing for the other 3 months.... So it has been a year and four months of really trying and at 12 months we saw a fertility specialist... which would have been great, BUT we have NOTHING wrong with us. NOTHING keeping us from having a baby... In fact all the specialist told us we are two of the most fertile people around!!! how can this be?!?!? NOT a good thing to hear...what am I (or we) doing wrong?!?!?!
yeah it's great we are able (apparently) but why hasn't is happened?!?! I had to go through some fairly painful/uncomfortable stuff to find out nothing is wrong! WHY???????? WHY NOT really???

The reason I am asking is.... if any of you lucky mommas or aunties or females with ideas etc... have any ideas or advice on how to accomplish the, oh so, exciting and (in our case) frustrating task of getting pregnant, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear them!! I am usually not one to whine but, my husband is going to be going back out to see in about a year and I would really like to make this work so he can be there for the birth. I know it may seem stupid to some, but I think that moment must be magical and I really would like him there to share in what we have made...

ANY advice would be oh so very much appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading!!


Shalyse said...

oh sara...first off, I am very sorry that you guys are having a difficult time getting pregnant. That must be a very difficult trial for you two!

But I can tell you what I have tried...and we get prego the first month all 3 times (I had a miscariage last year)

I'll be honest..they are pretty graphic so maybe I should email you-just to save the blog stalkers the pain! :-) Email me!

Hillary said...

Hey Sara,

I'm so sorry that you're struggling with this - what a difficult disappointment when you're trying so hard.

I'm still in the camp of trying NOT to get pregnant, but my heart is right with you. This baby WILL come along for you guys and when it does it will so amazing for both of you. I can totally understand wanting Blake there!!

And if whatever Shalyse has up her sleeve works...dang, pass that along so I can save it in the archives for our future little one!!

John and Kate plus Zero said...

Sara, we seriously need to talk, I am in the EXACT same boat! What the heck, right! All the years I am sure we both tried not to get pregnant and now this.... I have a dr apt on Monday and they said they are going to put me on clomid. Have you tried that medication? I called Shalyse yesterday because I am dying to know what this trick is :) I will keep you posted as to what works and what doesn't and let me know if something works for you as well!

Emily said...

Dearest Sara, I am so sorry for your struggles. I wish I had some great advice to give but I don't. All I can provide is comfort. I have two friends that were told by doctors that they were fertile after trying for over a year. 6 months after these appointments both couples were preggers. So I'll cross my fingers and keep you in my prayers. Good luck!

The Dyer family said...

Sara, so sorry to hear about your difficulties. I truly feel for you girl. It sounds like the doc gave you good news but I'm sure it's frustrating that it hasn't happened yet. I would just suggest to be patient, keep trying with a calm heart, stay positive, and pray that God will provide you with the chance to become wonderful parents! Afterall, 12 months is the average time it takes someone to get prego. So it WILL happen for you :) You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

The Dyer family said...

So I wanted to let you know that my girlfriend just informed me the other day that she was having difficulty getting prego, she started taking baby aspirin and got prego! Don't ask me why, but she swears by BABY ASPIRIN. Maybe this will help you :)